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The 40th anniversary of National Union in Quang Tri Province

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Mr. Nguyen Quan Chinh, Vice Chairman, People's Committee of Quang Tri Province came to visit the site of LED installation. 

WEDnesday - 19/08/2015 23:02 - Viewed: 3985

Experts from Viet Nam and Peru study Swiss energy and resource efficient technology in agricultural production

The application of pyrolysis technology in agricultural production, a method that uses thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen, and ways to construct pyrolysis plants in Viet Nam and Peru were the focus of a one-week technology transfer workshop held at the Ökozentrum Langenbruck Institute in Switzerland.

Attended by experts from Viet Nam and Peru, the workshop was organized as part of a global programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), a joint initiative by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The workshop also received support from the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Promotion in International Cooperation platform, and Solutions for Industrial Ecosystems (Sofies), a consulting company responsible for accessing the national contexts in both countries.

"Ökozentrum has been adapting the pyrolysis technology for two years now in order for it to be used in the drying process in the agricultural sector of the two countries, and has seen good results in terms of improving energy and resource efficiency," said Martin Schmid from the Ökozentrum.

“Pyrolysis technology provides heat from biomass which can be used for different drying purposes in agricultural production, especially in the coffee production sector. The advantages of the pyrolysis technology can be further capitalized on through by-products.Therefore, it contributes to sustainable industrial development and is a very promising option to replace the current burners which are energy inefficient and pollutant to the environment,” said Hannes Zellweger from Sofies.

Dinh Manh Thang, from the Viet Nam Cleaner Production Centre, emphasized that his country was very interested in introducing pyrolysis technology due to different social and environmental factors. “Currently, we are seeing heavy pollution caused by the traditional coffee shell burners. The application of pyrolysis technology in the sector can help improve the situation,” he said.


Author: Anh Tuan