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The 40th anniversary of National Union in Quang Tri Province

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Mr. Nguyen Quan Chinh, Vice Chairman, People's Committee of Quang Tri Province came to visit the site of LED installation. 

THUrsday - 25/12/2014 23:03 - Viewed: 3985

17 free energy-saving tips that really work

At Money Dashboard we're all for finding new ways to help you save money – and if they help out the environment too that can only be a good thing. Here are a few of the best energy-saving tips that won't cost you a penny.
1.Check you're on the best energy tariff. See all the latest energy prices for your home with our price comparison engine.
2.Turn your shower power down. This will mimic the effect of a water-saving shower head, which can save a house of four around £175 a year on energy bills.
3.Set your washing machine to 30oC. Dropping it from 40oC could reduce your energy consumption by 40%.

4.Wash up in a bowl. This means you won't need to keep the hot tap running, using unnecessary water and energy.

5.Stop charging your phone when the battery’s full. Fully charged laptops and mobile phones will still drain electricity, increasing your yearly bills by £60.
6.Turn down your thermostat. uSwitch claims that turning down your heating by just 1°C can save as much as £60 a year.
7.Set a timer on your hot water boiler. If you're on an Economy 7 tariff, it’s cheaper to heat your hot water at night. Use our free budgeting software to see how much you could save by making the switch.
8.Keep your doors closed. Get everyone in the house on board and you'll trap much more heat in.
9.Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. It can save a staggering 17,500 litres of water a year.
10.Make the most of your oven. Use your oven’s full capacity where possible, and avoid using the bigger space for small dishes.
11.Keep your fridge and freezer full. A fully stocked fridge or freezer is more efficient, as you won't be cooling down empty spaces.
12.Remove clothes from the dryer before they’re done. They'll be quicker to iron and you'll use less energy.
13.Keep the lid on your saucepans. It'll mean using less water and less energy, as your food will cook quicker.

14.Fill your washing machine. Running your washing machine can make up 7% of your household bills, so get the most out of each cycle.
15.Block your chimney. If you never use your fireplace, block it up with plasterboard.
16.Free cavity wall insulation. 90% of homes that need cavity wall insulation can now get it for free.
17.Free solar panels. In some parts of England, homeowners with suitable roofs are eligible for free solar panels.

Source: Moneydashboard